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Pantai Menganti di Kebumen, Harga Tiket, Rute, dan Keindahan

Pantai Menganti di Kebumen, Harga Tiket, Rute, dan Keindahan

NEATIZEN-Pantai Menganti ini terletak di Desa Karangduwur, Kecamatan Ayah, Kabupaten Kebumen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Pantai Menganti ini merupakan pantai yang memiliki pemandangan yang indah di jajaran pantai selatan.

•Keindahan Pantai Menganti
Pantai Menganti ini sangat terkenal karena keindahan alam dan kejernihan lautnya. Keindahan pantai ini menempati salah satu pantai terindah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Bahkan, selain keindahan pantai nya terdapat juga disejajarkan dengan keindahan pantai yang ada di Selandia Baru.

Bentangan alam dan perbukitan berupa tebing karst menjadikan pantai satu ini memiliki pasir putih yang sangat cantik dan jika di lihat langsung maka akan semakin menyejukkan mata.

Selain itu,para wisatawan ini yang berkunjung juga disuguhkan  pemandangan di atas tebing yang menawan serta spot sunrise dan sunset.

Jembatan merah yang sengaja disediakan pengelola dapat menjadikan spot foto-foto terutama menjelang sunset maupun sunrise.

Spot untuk melihat sunset dan sunrise adalah Puncak Mercusuar dengan ketinggian kurang lebih sekitar 20 meter.

Beberapa spot lain yang Instagramable, yaitu:

•Lembah Menguneng
Salah satu spot foto dengan pemandangan pantai yang lebih luas.

•Balon Udara
Di Pantai Menganti, ada balon udara yang dapat dinikmati untuk merasakan terbang menggunakan balon udara.

Tarif yang dipatok tidak terlalu mahal, pengunjung hanya membayar Rp 15.000.

•Sepeda Gantung
Pengunjung yang ingin menguji adrenalin dapat mencoba sepeda gantung dan mengabadikan foto.

•Bukit Sigatel
Untuk pengunjung yang hobi mendaki, jangan lewatkan pengalaman mendaki di Bukit Sigatel. Di sini, pengunjung tidak dipungut biaya.

Bagi pengunjung yang tertarik mendaki bukit disarankan menggunakan pakaian yang nyaman agar sehingga pendakian lancar tanpa ada merasa lelah yang terlalu berlebihan.

Tanjung Karang Bata
Obyek wisata ini merupakan Gunung Api Purba yang menyuguhkan pemandangan menarik.

Di lokasi ini, pengunjung dapat merasakan sejuknya angin berhembus.

Pantai Menganti merupakan pantai yang memiliki pemandangan indah di jajaran pantai selatan.

Keindahan Pantai Menganti
Pantai Menganti terkenal karena keindahan alam dan kejernihan lautnya. Keindahan pantai ini menempati salah satu pantai terindah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Dan dilokasi ini, pengunjung dapat merasakan sejuknya angin berhembus.

•Legenda Pantai Menganti
Menurut cerita yang berkembang di masyarakat setempat, pada zaman dahulu terdapat seorang pangliman dari Kerajaan Majapahit yang melarikan diri ke pesisir selatan Jawa. Disebabkan, hubungannya dengan kekasih tidak mendapat restu dari raja.

Mereka sepakat untuk bertemu di tepi samudera yang memiliki pasir putih yang indah.

Sepanjang hari, panglima terus menantikan sang pujaan hati, namun pujaan hati tidak kunjung datang. Karena itu, pantai ini dinamakan Pantai Menganti yang berarti "menanti".

Pantai Menganti memiliki mitos yang mirip dengan Pantai Parangtritis, Yogyakarta, yaitu pengunjung tidak diperkenankan menggunakan baju warna hijau. Karena hal itu, erat kaitannya dengan Nyi Roro Kidul.

•Harga Tiket Masuk Pantai Menganti
Pantai Menganti ini sudah termasuk obyek wisata tidak mahal. Pengunjung hanya dikenakan harga tiket sebesar Rp 10.000.

Biaya tiket masuk ini sudah termasuk dengan biaya parkir.

Untuk parkir, pengunjung akan diarahkan pada tempat parkir yang luas.

Setelah itu, ada mobil shuttle akan membawa pengunjung untuk keliling ke berbagai obyek wisata di sekitar pantai.

Rute ke Pantai Menganti
Perjalanan dari Kota Kebumen hanya jaraknya sekitar 40 km dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 60 menit.

Perjalanan akan melalui arah selatan Kebumen. Rute yang dilewatinya adalah Kebumen-Petanahan-Puring- Karangbolong-Menganti.

Selain itu, pengunjung juga dapat melewati rute Kebumen-Gombong lalu ke arah Jatijajar. Waktu tempuhnya sekitar 60 menit.

•Jam Buka Pantai Menganti
Pantai Menganti buka selama 24 jam, sehingga wisatawan bebas mengunjungi pantai kapan saja.

Waktu terbaik mengunjungi pantai adalah pada saat sunset dan sunrise.

Artikel ini telah tayang di berjudul Menganti, New Zealand-nya Kebumen

Romania Dracula Country, This is History and Facts

Romania Dracula Country, This is History and Facts

What comes to your mind when you hear the name Dracula? Surely we will immediately imagine about blood-sucking creatures that make humans as victims.

Dracula's own character is actually just a fictional character from horror stories. This character first appears in a novel by Bram Stoker, an Irish writer.

In 1897, Bram Stoker wrote the novel Dracula by introducing Count Dracula as the main character of the novel.

 In the real world, the name Dracula is a nickname obtained by Prince Vlad III of Wallachia who is a member of the Order of the Dragon or the Order of the Dragon.

  Because it was later given the name Vlad Dracula. The Order of the Dragon is a militant brotherhood founded by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund.

Order of the dragon for the achievement of the progress of the ottoman in the european region. In this video we will discuss about the country where the legend of the Dracula originated.

This is Romania! Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central Europe, East and Southeast Europe. Its territory is included in the southeastern part of Europe.

However, it is sometimes stated that the territory of Romania is part of Central Europe. Romania with Bulgaria to the south, Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest and Moldova to the east.

Besides that, Romania also has a border with the Black Sea on the east side. Romania is the largest country in southeastern Europe and the 12th largest in continental Europe. The total area of the country is 238,397 square kilometers.

It has a population of 19,317,984, making Romania the seventh most populous country in Romania in the European Union.

The official language of this country is Romanian, it is spoken as the first language by about 90% of the population in Romania, while Hungarian and Romani Vlax, which are a dialect group of the Romance languages, are spoken by about 6.2% and 1.2% respectively. of the Romanian population.

Romania is a secular country and has no official religion in the country, the majority of the population in the country identifying themselves as Christians.

Approximately 86.45% of the Romanian population identified as Orthodox Christians belong to the Romanian Orthodox Church. The form of government of Romania is a semi-presidential republic, where executive functions are held by the president who serves as head of state and the prime minister as head of government.

Bucharest is the capital and largest city of the country of Romania, the city also acts as a cultural, financial and industrial center of the country Romania Romania is ranked 52nd in the world, in the human development index, the country is categorized as one of the developing countries with low-income economies. tall.

 Romania has the 45th largest economy in the world by nominal GDP , with an annual economic growth rate of 3.5% in 2020. Romania has an economy based largely on services and is one of the leading producers and exporters of machinery and electrical energy, which featuring companies such as Automobile Dacia and OMV Petrom.

Tourism is a significant contributor to the Romanian economy, this sector generates about 5% of GDP. The number of tourists continues to increase, reaching 9.33 million foreign tourists in 2016, according to the World Bank. In 2014, Romania had 32,500 companies active in the hotel and restaurant industry, with a total turnover of 2.6 billion euros.

Romanian history

Traces of life found by scientists have revealed that the area now known as Romania was first inhabited by humans about 40,000 years ago.

For centuries before becoming modern Romania, this region was alternately ruled by other European kingdoms such as Greece, Rome, Toth, Gepid, Hun, Avar, Bulgarian, Slavic and Hungarian.

In the Middle Ages, the Romanians were further divided into three distinct principalities, namely Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania.

While Transylvania was part of the Kingdom of Hungary, two other principalities, Moldavia and Wallachia, were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

And it was in this era that the famous legend of the prince Dracula originated. In the 14th century, the kingdoms of Wallachia and Moldavia emerged to fight the Ottoman Empire which had conquered Constantinople in 1453.

The resistance from the Romans was led by Prince Stephen III of Moldavia and Prince Vlad III of Wallachia, also known as Vlad Dracula.

 Vlad III is remembered for his raids against the Ottoman Empire and his success in keeping his small country free for some time from the Ottoman Empire.

Romanian historiography views him as a fierce but just ruler, defender of the independence of Wallachia and European Christianity against Ottoman expansion.

In the western world, Prince Vlad III is best known as the inspiration for the main character in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula. In 1541, the entire Balkan Peninsula and northern Hungary became an Ottoman province.

Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania were under Ottoman rule with internal autonomy rights. In 1594, the princes of the three kingdoms joined the holy league to fight the ottomans.

The Holy League was a military alliance of Christian-dominated European countries, aimed at fighting the Ottoman Empire. The league was founded by Pope Clement VII in 1594.

In 1600, Prince Michael the Brave, known in Romanian as Prince Mihai Viteazul of Wallachia, united the three kingdoms in a personal union.

 Mihai Viteazul tries to unite the three kingdoms, but the chance of unification is ruined by Mihai's assassination by the Austrian army.

Since the 19th century mihai was seen by nationalists as a symbol of Romanian unity, because under his rule was the first time that all the kingdoms inhabited by Romanians had come under the same ruler.

In 1699, Transylvania became the territory of the Austrian Empire, after Austria's victory over Turkey in the Great Turkish War.

Austria also made another expansion of power into Wallachia and northwestern Moldavia in 1775, taking advantage of the chaotic situation. The Russian Empire also invaded and occupied the eastern part of Moldavia in 1812.

During the period of Austrian-Hungarian rule as well as the Ottomans in the three territories, the status of the Romanians was second-class. In 1848, a revolutionary movement known as the Moldavian revolution took place in the regions of Moldavia and Wallachia, the revolution demanded the emancipation of the peasants and the unification of the two kingdoms.

 However, the movement was stopped by the Ottoman and Russian troops. Meanwhile in the Transylvania region, the Hungarians occupied the upper class, so the Romanian people fought against the Hungarians.

In January 1859, After special assemblies convoked in Moldavia and Wallachia urging the unification of the two kingdoms, the great powers did not prevent the election of Alexander Ioan Cuza as domnitor or their collective leader, the election of Alexander Ioan Cuza as domnitor succeeded in uniting Wallachia and Moldavia as Romania.

 The United Kingdom officially adopted the name Romania on February 21, 1862. During the Russo-Turkish war of 1877 to 1878 Romania supported Russia, and in the 1878 Treaty of Berlin, Romania's independence was recognized.

In exchange, Romania ceded the three southern districts of Bessarabia to Russia and acquired the territory of Dobrogea. In August 1916, Romania joined the Allies and declared war on Austria-Hungary.

Through a secret military convention, the Allies pledged to support Romania in an effort to unite all the Romanian people.

At the end of the war, Austria-Hungary, the Russian Empire disintegrated, so Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania declared union with the Kingdom of Romania in 1918.

In 1947, the communists forced king mihai I to abdicate and leave the country. Romania was proclaimed as the people's republic of Romania.

Romania remained under military occupation and economic control of the Soviet Union until the late 1950s.

During this period, Romania's resources were absorbed by the Soviet-Romanian companies. The communist government established a regime which was mainly implemented through the new securitate or secret police.

They launched a campaign to eliminate "enemies of the state", resulting in the killing and arrest of individuals for political and economic reasons.

In 1965, Nicolae CeauÅŸescu began to control and oversee independent policies, such as being the only warsaw pact state with the 1968 soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, in addition to this period relations with relations after the six-day war in 1967, as well as opening the schedule and economy with West Germany.

Romania also has close relations with the Arabs, making Romania an important role in the Israeli peace process with Egypt and Israel with the Palestinian state game organization.

   Because Romania's foreign debt increased sharply between 1977 and 1981.

Nicolae CeauÅŸescu tried to get into debt by establishing policies that impoverished the people and sluggish Romanian economy.

   As a result, Cescu's popularity waned, which was guaranteed by Ceauescu's fall in the 1989 Romanian revolution. That's the history of the country of romania, and to know more about this country.

facts about romania:

The origin of the name Romania comes from the Latin romanus, which means citizen of Rome.

The first known use of the term is attested in the 16th century by Italian humanists who traveled in Transylvania, Moldavia, and Wallachia.

The current Romanian flag design has actually been in use since 1848, but has undergone several changes.

The Romanian constitution states that "The Romanian flag is a tricolor, the colors arranged vertically are blue, yellow, red".

The proportions, colors and protocol of the flag were established by law in 1994 and then extended in 2001.

Their flag is based on an ancient heraldic banner wherein blue with the head of a cow represents Moldavia and yellow with an eagle representing Wallachia.

Wallachia also chose a naval ensign with horizontal stripes of red, blue, and yellow, colors that were later chosen for the national flag of Romania.

There is currently no official interpretation of the colors other than the historical association. The official currency of Romania is the Romanian leu, and is coded as RON.

Surrounded by Slavic countries, Romanian people speak Romanian which is a Romance language that is closely related to Western Romance especially with Italian, Spanish, Catalan, French and Portuguese.

 It is estimated that the Romanian language is around 1,700 years old. The earliest Homo sapiens fossils, to date, were found in 2002 in southwestern Romania, in the Cave of Bones.

 The age of the fossil is estimated to be between 37,800 to 42,000 years. Perched on a rock outcrop at the Iron Gates of the Danube River, near the small town of Orsova, in southwest Romania, is a 55-meter-tall stone statue depicting Decebalus, the last king of Dacia.

The monument is the largest stone statue in Europe and can only be reached by boat. Bran Castle is one of the most famous castles in Romania, this castle is also known as Dracula's castle.

In Bram Stoker's book he wrote that Dracula lived in the castle. Count Dracula is a fictional character inspired by Prince Vlad III of Wallachia, also known as Vlad Dracula.

 The castle is now a museum dedicated to exhibiting the art and furniture collected by Queen Marie who was the last queen of the kingdom of Romania.

Vlad III of Wallachia or also known as Vlad the Impaler is better known today as Vlad Dracula. He is often regarded as one of the most important rulers in the history of Wallachia and a national hero of Romania.

Romanian historiography views him as a fierce but just ruler, defender of the independence of Wallachia and European Christianity against Ottoman expansion.

Prince Vlad earned his reputation as the impaler, because of his cruelty to the enemy in war, he executed his enemies by stabbing them on wooden stakes.

In 1462, it is said that he invaded Ottoman territory and massacred tens of thousands of Turks and Bulgarians, prompting Sultan Mehmed II to mobilize his troops against Wallachia.

 The popular story suggests that Vlad III was able to strengthen the central government only by imposing brutal punishments, and a similar view was adopted by most Romanian historians in the 19th century.

Vlad III's reputation for cruelty and patronymic inspired the vampire name Count Dracula. If any of you have watched the 2014 film Dracula untold.

From there you will get a little picture of the cruelty of Prince Vlad. Although the film is a work of fiction and is added with story spices.

However, in some scenes there are scenes inspired by the life story of the dracula, such as he was once a prisoner of the ottoman, then there is a scene where he kills two envoys from the ottoman sultan, there is also a cruel execution carried out on the enemy he defeated.

Romania is home to 8 places designated as cultural heritage sites by UNESCO. List of such places like, church in Moldavia, Dacian fort in Orastie mountains, historical center of sighisoara, Danube river delta, ancient beech forest in Carpathians, Horezu monastery, village with fortified church in Transylvania, Maramures wooden church.

 Crossing southern Romania, the Danube River forms a beautiful river delta before flowing into the Black Sea. The Danube Delta is home to 23 natural ecosystems.

From April to December this delta is home to more than 300 species of birds that live in the canals and lakes of the delta.

This country has the largest brown bear population in Europe. About 6,000 brown bears are found in the Romanian Carpathians, out of a total of 200,000 brown bears worldwide, making up the largest population in Europe outside of Russia.

In addition, the largest mammals in Europe can also be found in this country. The European bison, a large animal weighing more than 600 kilograms that is almost extinct due to hunting, can be found in Romania.

The former salina turda salt mine dates back to the 17th century. The mine is home to an underground amusement park located about 120 meters deep in the earth.

The attractions offered at this venue include a bowling alley, an amphitheater or arena which regularly hosts live concerts, as well as a Ferris wheel ring.

What's more, this salt mine also has an underground salt lake that can be explored by rowboat.

Romania is also home to the second largest underground glacier in Europe. The scarișoara caves, located at an altitude of 1,165 meters in the picturesque Apuseni mountains, naturally protect the scarișoara glacier.

With a volume of 75,000 cubic meters, this 3,000 year old natural wonder is the second largest underground glacier in Europe and one of Romania's premier speleological sites.

 The palace of parliament in Bucharest, is the heaviest and most expensive administrative building in the world. This building is also the second largest in the world, after the pentagon.

Designed by Anca Petrescu when she was 28 years old, the House of the People, as it was called during Romania's communist rule, is 270 meters wide, 240 meters long and 86 meters high.

The building has 1,100 rooms, there are also eight underground levels, as well as a nuclear bunker that is connected to other government buildings by a 20 km long tunnel.

Inside the building visitors will find 3,500 tons of crystal, 480 chandeliers and 1,409 ceiling lights, while 700,000 tons of steel and bronze are used for the monumental doors and windows.

 Guinness world records recognize it as the heaviest building on the planet. Charlottenburg is the only circular village in Romania. The village was built in the 18th century by the swabians, German colonists who settled in the country.

 Forming a perfect circle of houses, the stables and barns are erected in a symmetrical style, all the houses are the same distance apart and stand at the same height.

The Romanian Ministry of Culture has placed it on the list of historical monuments. Timisoara, is one of the most beautiful and vibrant metropolitan cities in Romania.

 Timisoara was the first mainland European city to be illuminated by electric street lights, in 1884. By international standards, this city is second only to New York City.

 Merry Cemetery or in the Romanian language called Cimitirul Vesel, is a cemetery complex located in Sapanta Village, Maramures City, Romania.

 In contrast to funerals in general, this cemetery is famous for its brightly colored tombstones, which are decorated with pictures that show the profession or activities of the buried person, besides that the tombstone is also inscribed with unique poems.

The funeral culture has been going on since 1935. And now the Merry Cemetery has become an open museum and a national tourist attraction.

Top Gear host, Jeremy Clarkson stated that the Transfagaraan Road in Romania is the best driving road in the world.

This road stretches for more than 90 kilometers, and cuts through the Fagaraș Mountains. Transfagarașan is filled with sharp turns.

The view becomes even more spectacular as road users climb higher, the peak of the road being at 2,134 meters.

Romania is one of the best places in the world for 4G speed, According to, romania has a peak internet speed of 58.7 Mbps, which makes it the 7th country with the fastest internet in the world, compared to the united states where the peak connection speed is around 48 ,8 Mbps.

In addition, the average Romanian consumes more internet than any other European country. That's the history and facts of the country of Romania, a country in Europe that has its own uniqueness compared to other European countries.
Rarely Visited, This is Solomon Islands Country

Rarely Visited, This is Solomon Islands Country

                 Solomon Islands

Ever heard of the Solomon Islands nation? The country, which was named because it was inspired by the rich king Solomon, is located in the Pacific Region. It is located not too far from our neighboring country, Papua New Guinea.
Solomon Islands is also known for having a very charming underwater beauty. 

About the island nation of solomon

 Solomon Islands or also often referred to as the Solomon Islands, is an archipelago located in the Pacific Ocean.  The country is located in the east of Papua New Guinea and in the northwest of the country of Vanuatu. Consisting of 6 main islands and more than 900 smaller islands in the Oceania Region, the Solomon Islands covers a total land area of ​​28,400 square kilometers.

This country takes its name from the name of the Solomon Islands, which is a collection of Melanesian islands which also includes the northern Solomon Islands, better known as the island of Bougainville which is politically part of Papua New Guinea.

 Solomon Islands is the third largest island nation in the South Pacific region, the country is inhabited by 652,857 people, with 95% of the population being ethnic Melanesians. Christianity is the majority religion in this country with the percentage of adherents reaching 97% of the total population.

Solomon Islands is a member state of the British Commonwealth, the form of government of this country is a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II of England as head of state represented by a governor general who is elected by parliament for a term of 5 years, while the head of government of this country is in headed by a prime minister.

In the economic field, the Solomon Islands is placed as a less developed country. More than 75% of the workforce in the country is engaged in subsistence agriculture and fishing.

 Subsistence farming is self-sufficient farming, where farmers only focus on cultivating food in sufficient quantities to meet the needs of themselves and their families. Unfortunately, only about 3.9% of the island's area is used as agricultural land.

The country's tourism sector is one of the important economic support sectors in the Solomon Islands, this country is known for its natural beauty, especially its underwater beauty, however, the country's tourism growth is hampered by a lack of infrastructure and limited transportation.

In 2017, the Solomon Islands were only visited by around 26,000 foreign tourists, making the country one of the least visited countries in the world.

Recommended tourist destinations in this country such as Rennell Island which is the second largest uplifted coral atoll island in the world, here visitors will find several rare endemic flora and fauna species. Most of the island is covered with dense forest so there is very little space for habitation.

Sunset over Lake Tagano as well as diving and snorkeling in Kagaba Bay are some of the activities that tourists can enjoy. Besides Rennell Island, another tourist destination that is no less beautiful is Malaita Island. Malaita is an untouched beauty surrounded by a river system and tropical forest.

There are many river systems, springs, highland waterfalls, and gorges to explore here. You can also visit coral islands off the coast of North Malaita. In addition, the sunset over the Langa Langa Lagoon is spectacular.

Solomon Islands history

The Europeans who first discovered the Solomon Islands region were Spanish explorers, namely Alvaro de Mendana de Neira in 1568. But long before the arrival of Europeans to the region, this island had been inhabited by people from the Austronesian Lapita at least since around 1200 until 800 years BC.

It is based on the discovery of a number of ancient burial sites and other evidence of permanent settlement that has been found from the period 1000–1500 AD across the islands, one of the most prominent examples being the Roviana cultural complex centered on the islands off the southern coast of New Georgia, at where a large number of megalithic temples and other buildings were built in the 13th century.

In 1595, the Spaniards came to the area again with the aim of colonizing the islands, they then established a Spanish settlement in Gracioso Bay, but poor relations with the natives and also the endemic disease among the Spaniards caused many deaths. , the Spanish then decided to leave the region and sailed north towards the Spanish territory in the Philippines.

 In 1884, the Germans took control of the northeastern region of Papua New Guinea and the Bismarck Islands, then expanded their control over the northern Solomon Islands to include the islands of Bougainville, Buka, Choiseul, Santa Isabel, the Shortlands and Otong Java Atoll in 1886.

In the same year Germany and Britain signed an agreement on the division of the Solomon Islands territory where the British gained influence in the southern Solomons.

In 1900, under the terms of the tripartite convention of 1899, Germany ceded the northern Solomons to the British, with the exception of the islands of Bougainville and Buka, which later became part of German New Guinea, although geographically these islands belonged to the Solomon Islands.

In the early 1900s, many cases of European settlers were killed by the indigenous people of the islands. The British then retaliated for this action through collective punishment of the guilty villages and often indiscriminately by shelling villages in the coastal areas from British warships.

 In 1927, district commissioner William Bell was assassinated in the Malaita area, along with several of his men who were on duty. Responding to this, the British government then responded by launching a massive punitive expedition, which became known as the Malaita massacre.

 At least about 60 people from the ethnic Kwaio were killed in the expedition and about 200 people were detained by British troops. During the expedition many sacred sites and objects of the indigenous people were destroyed or desecrated.

During World War II, from 1942 to the end of 1943, the Solomon Islands were the scene of several major land, sea, and air battles between the Allied and Imperial Japanese armed forces.

 In May 1942, the Japanese launched Operation Mo occupying Tulagi and most of the western Solomon Islands, including Guadalcanal. The British government has moved to Auki, Malaita and most of Europe's population has been evacuated to Australia.

Some of the fiercest fighting in World War II took place on the islands over nearly three years. The conflict resulted in thousands of Allied, Japanese, and civilian deaths, as well as massive destruction across the island. Stability was restored during the 1950s, when the British colonial government established a network of official local councils.

Solomon Islands residents with experience in local councils began to participate in central government, initially through the bureaucracy and then, from 1960, through the newly formed Legislative and Executive Councils. At the elections held in 1970 the government also introduced a new constitution.

The 1970 constitution replaced the Legislative and Executive Councils with one Governing Council. It also established a system of governing committees in which all members of the Council sit on one or more of the five committees. The aim of this system was to reduce divisions between elected representatives and the colonial bureaucracy, as well as provide opportunities to train new representatives in managing governmental responsibilities.

In 1974, a new constitution was reintroduced in the region, this constitution established the standard form of government of Westminster and assigned responsibilities to the Minister and Cabinet to the islanders. growing discontent in the Western islands, with many fears of future marginalization in a country dominated by Honiara or Malaita, prompted the formation of the Western Liberation Movement.

In 1977, A conference was held in London, the outcome of the conference agreed that Solomon would gain full independence the following year.

Under the terms of the Solomon Islands Act 1978 the country was annexed to majesty dominions and granted independence on 7 July 1978. The first Prime Minister was Sir Peter Kenilorea of ​​the United Solomon Islands Party, with Queen Elizabeth II being Queen of the Solomon Islands, represented locally by the Governor General.
15 Best Tourist Attractions in the United States

15 Best Tourist Attractions in the United States

NEAJURNAL-Besides being known as one of the largest countries in the world, the United States also has a variety of interesting tourist attractions that you must visit. For more details, here are 15 of the best tourist attractions in the United States that you can visit when the holiday season arrives.

1. Niagara Falls

Niagara is a popular waterfall located between the state of New York and the province of Ontario,. Generally speaking, Niagara is actually three different waterfalls, the American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, and Horseshoe Falls. Horseshoe Falls is located on the Canadian side while the others are located in New York. With stunning views, it's no wonder that this waterfall has always been a major tourist destination for many people.

2. Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore is not only one of the best tourist attractions in the United States, it is also known as a landmark of the country. a national memorial located in South Dakota. You must visit this mountain because there are sculptures of the faces of four former American presidents, who are popular.

3. Grand Canyon

Without visiting the Grand Canyon, your vacation in the United States will not be complete. This is because, this tourist spot located in northern Arizona is known as one of the best tourist attractions in the United States. The Grand Canyon itself was carved over several million years by the Colorado River and its intricate and colorful landscape offers visitors spectacular views that you will never forget.

4. Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center or the Kennedy Space Center, which is located on the coast of Florida, is a suitable place for those of you who like technology and outer space. The Kennedy Space Center, which has been the launch site for every US space flight since 1968, is open to the public, so that visitors can learn more about the early pioneers into space, and they can experience the thrill and excitement of visiting this place too.

5. Yellowstone National Park

If you like nature-themed attractions, then visiting Yellowstone National Park is the right choice. In this National Park there are quite a number of geysers, hot springs, and other thermal areas. Not only that, Yellowstone is also used to protect extraordinary wildlife and has an amazing area of ​​beauty.

6. Navy Pier

In general, Navy Pier is a large wharf in the center of the Streeterville coastal neighborhood of Chicago, United States. At this pier, there are many rides that are suitable for family vacations. In addition, at Navy Pier there are also many beautiful gardens, gift shops, the Chicago Children's Museum, two theaters and several restaurants with mouth-watering dishes.

7. Denali National Park

Denali is the name of a national park in Alaska. In this National Park is Mount McKinley, which is also known as the highest mountain in North America. This National Park is used to protect native areas from various animals such as grizzly bears, caribou, moose, wolves, and so on.

8. Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market in Seattle, opened in 1907, is one of the most iconic parts of the city and is also the premier place for shopping in Seattle. This is because, this market has everything you need, such as fresh fish, a cheese maker that offers local flavors of brie and camembert and there are several cafes offering various types of coffee from all over the world.

9. Venice Beach, Los Angeles

Venice Beach is one of the best tourist attractions in the United States, located in Los Angeles. Not only has a popular beach, around Venice beach there is also the popular Venice Beach Boardwalk. This is a truly entertaining place where there are lots of street performers dancing, sculpting and singing to passers-by. In addition, around this beach there are also many gift shops and restaurants that you can visit.

10. San Antonio River Walk

In the state of Texas, precisely in the city of San Antonio, Texas, there is one interesting tourist spot known as the River Walk. In general, this tourist spot is a network of walking trails along the San Antonio River. which is packed with stunning architecture and lush greenery. In addition to exploring the river by boat, you can also explore the culinary specialties of Texas.

11. Walt Disney World Orlando

It is common knowledge that Orlando, Florida, is the center of theme parks, but nothing can beat the popularity of Walt Disney World in this city. There, you can explore several different theme parks, including Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Studio Hollywood, Animal Kingdom and Blizzard Beach Water Park.. Visiting Walt Disney World en Orlando will make you feel as if you are entering a world of fun fantasy.

11. Walt Disney World Orlando

It is common knowledge that Orlando, Florida, is the center of theme parks, but nothing can beat the popularity of Walt Disney World in this city. There, you can explore several different theme parks, including Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Studio Hollywood, Animal Kingdom and Blizzard Beach Water Park.. Visiting Walt Disney World en Orlando will make you feel as if you are entering a world of fun fantasy.

12. Yosemite National Park

Yosemite is a National Park in the United States, which is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. This National Park is very popular all over the world thanks to the amazing views it has. In Yosemite National Park, you can enjoy the spectacular beauty of granite cliffs, admire crystal clear waterfalls, and see sequoia trees that are hundreds of years old. In addition, Yosemite Valley is also a must-see for its spectacular waterfalls and the stunning granite monolith called Half Dome.

13. Las Vegas Strip

Located amidst the desert landscape of southern Nevada, this city is known for its many Casinos, especially in the “The Strip” area. On the Las Vegas Strip there are many giant mega-casino hotels decorated with lavish ornaments to create a fantastic atmosphere.

14. Florida Keys

Briefly, the Florida Keys are a 120-mile long chain of tropical islands that curve around the base of the Florida peninsula above which a bridge connects to the mainland, the Seven Mile Bridge. This bridge is very popular because it is often used as a shooting location for several famous box office films, one of which is The Fast and the Furious.

15. White House

The last place you must visit in the United States is the White House. The White House, which was built in the 1700s, is the official residence and office of the President of the United States. To visit this building, you must join a group guided by a Tour Guide. In this building, you can visit several gardens, dining rooms, kitchens and many other historical points.

7 Amazing Natural Attractions in the United States

7 Amazing Natural Attractions in the United States

7 Amazing Natural Attractions in the United States

The United States is known as a developed country that is synonymous with skyscrapers and modern playgrounds. In fact, the appeal of the United States does not stop there. Some areas in the land of Uncle Sam have amazing natural scenery, such as the following seven natural attractions.

Grand Canyon National Park

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous natural attractions in the United States. Located in the Arizona region, the Grand Canyon offers views of a 450 km long canyon line with a depth of more than 1 km. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the canyon flows the Colorado River which looks meandering when viewed from a height.

Interestingly, the rays of sunlight that illuminate the canyon walls are able to create beautiful red, orange, and golden gradations. If you like a challenge, skywalk rides can be an option to enjoy the Grand Canyon in a different way.

Yosemite National Park

Natural attractions in the United States that are no less stealing the attention of tourists are Yosemite National Park, located in California. The atmosphere of this national park is still so natural, even you have to be prepared to lose the signal when entering this area.

Even so, this is not a big problem because the natural wealth in Yosemite National Park is very pleasing to the eye. One of Yosemite National Park's mainstay spots is El Capitan, a 3,000-foot granite cliff that is often a favorite location for rock climbing fans.

Hidden Lake

Hidden Lake is a lake flanked by mountains. To reach it, you have to do trekking for approximately 1 hour 3 minutes from the Logan Pass Visitor Center. So, what makes this place interesting?

Reportedly, Hidden Lake has lake water that is so clear like glass. Visitors who want to swim are also allowed because the lips of the lake are quite shallow. In addition, the surrounding natural scenery in the form of mountains and green trees makes the atmosphere so soothing. Suitable for relaxation.

Great Sand Dunes National Park

Not only countries in the Middle East that have desert areas, if you go to Colorado, United States, you will find Great Sand Dunes National Park. At this location stretches sandy slopes similar to the desert clusters in Dubai. So exotic.

To get an unforgettable experience while visiting here, you can do a thrilling attraction by sliding down using a sandboard available at shops in the San Luis Valley.

Blowing Rock

Located in North Carolina, Blowing Park is a strategic point to enjoy the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The Blue Ridge Mountains are part of the Appalachian Mountains that stretch from Southern Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, to Georgia.

While in Blowing Park, as far as the eye can see you will see the multi-layered mountain slopes complete with lush trees that are soothing to the eyes. To get a more amazing view, you can come in autumn.

In autumn, the leaves of trees growing on the slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains turn yellow to reddish.

Florida Keys

Do you have a hobby of snorkeling or diving? If so, the Florida Keys could be the perfect location for a vacation while you're in the United States. This natural tourist attraction is actually a group of coral islands off the southern coast of Florida.

The Florida Keys are divided into 5 spots, namely Big Pine Key, Key West, Islamorada, Key Largo, and Marathon. Fishing, sailing, kayaking, diving and snorkeling are popular activities that you can find here. If your main goal to the Florida Keys is to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world, then going to Key Largo is the answer.

Antelope Canyon

Like a stunning work of art, Antelope Canyon is able to amaze anyone who visits. This place offers views of the brightly colored canyon with the curved wall surface.

Located in the Arizona area, Antelope Canyon is actually separated into two parts, namely the Upper Antelope and Lower Antelope. Between the two, Upper Antelope is a spot that is often visited by tourists because of its easy access.

In addition, this spot also offers a beautiful view. When the sun is shining, the light will penetrate through the gaps in the canyon, creating a dramatic atmosphere. No wonder many tourists are curious about the beauty of this area.

India History and Facts

India History and Facts

                              Taj Mahal India 

India History and Facts

The Republic of India is a country located in South Asia. With an area of ​​3,287,263 square kilometers, India is the 7th largest country in the world. With this area, India occupies most of South Asia.

 The country is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the south, the Arabian Sea to the southwest, and the Bay of Bengal to the southeast. As for the land area, India shares land borders with Pakistan in the west, with China, Nepal and Bhutan in the north, and with Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east. In addition, India also has an area bordering the sea with Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia, namely the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

India is a country with the second largest population in the world. It is estimated that the population of India in 2022 will reach 1,375,586,000 people, or account for about 17% of the world's population. India is home to more than two thousand different ethnic groups.

 However, the country's national census does not recognize any racial or ethnic groups in India, and broadly speaking Indian residents or citizens are known as Indians. Religion in this country is characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. The constitution of India, declares India to be a secular state with no state religion. But at the same time, the Republic of India is advocating Hinduism as a state sponsored religion through constitutional, legislative and cultural means.

 According to the census, Hinduism or Hinduism is the largest religion in India, with more than 79% of adherents, Islam is the second largest religion with around 14% of adherents, and the rest are adherents of other religions, such as Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism. , Jainism and others.

The large number of ethnic groups in India, makes this country has many languages ​​spoken. This country has the 4th highest number of languages ​​in the world which is around 447 languages. However, Hindi is the language with the largest number of speakers in India, it is the language of unity and the official language of government.

In addition to Hindi, English is also widely used in business and administrative activities, therefore English has the status of a subsidiary official language or a second official language. India's form of government is a federal parliamentary constitutional republic. India is a federation with a parliamentary system governed by the Indian constitution. According to article 300 of the Indian constitution, the government of India is also known as the Union of India.

The form of government of this country is largely modeled based on the Westminster system which was first developed by the British Empire. The president of India is the head of state and commander in chief of the Indian armed forces. The powers of the president are mostly nominal and ceremonial, except in emergencies, and the president usually acts on the advice of the prime minister. The prime minister elected acts as the chief executive, and is responsible for running the government. Most of the political and governmental activities of this country are concentrated in the city of New Delhi, which is the capital city of India.

India has one of the largest and most diverse economies in the world, the country has become one of the major fast-growing economies and a hub for information technology services, with a growing middle class. According to the International Monetary Fund or IMF, this country is the world's sixth largest economy by market exchange rate.

 However, due to its very large population, India in terms of income and gross national product per capita is still categorized as one of the poorest countries, the country is ranked 139th in the world in nominal GDP per capita. History of India The history of India begins with the Indus Valley civilization. The Indus civilization is an ancient civilization that lived along the Indus River in what is now Pakistan and West India.

 The Indus civilization developed between 2500 BC and 1900 BC, this civilization is one of the early civilizations of the Old World, which was contemporaneous with the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. The period from 2000 to 500 BC, was the period of migration of the Indo-Aryans to the Indian subcontinent from the northwest. They are also known as the Vedas or Aryans. Most historians think that Hinduism and the caste system began to emerge during this period.

During the classical period, various parts of India were ruled by many dynasties, among them the Gupta Empire in North India. During this period, Hinduism experienced a religious and intellectual revival, known classically as the golden age of India. During this period, aspects of Indian civilization, administration, culture and religion spread to most of Asia. The influence of Indian culture was also spread in many parts of Southeast Asia, which later led to the establishment of Indianized kingdoms in Southeast Asia.

 Early Medieval India began after the end of the Gupta Empire in the 6th century AD. This early Middle Ages was also marked by the emergence of many kingdoms and cultural diversity in the Indian subcontinent. The most significant event that occurred in the medieval period was the Kannauj Triangle War or what is known as the tripartite struggle. This is a war that took place between the Pratihara Empire, the Nutmeg Empire and the Rashtrakuta Empire to fight over the territory of North India.

 As for the South Indian region, the Middle Ages was marked by the emergence of several imperial powers such as the Chalukya, Chola, Pallava, Chera, Pandyan and Western Chalukya kingdoms. The period of late medieval India, marked by repeated invasions by Muslim nomadic clans from Central Asia.

 In 1206, the sultanate of delhi was founded. This sultanate was an Islamic empire based in Delhi. and ruled most of the Indian subcontinent. The weakening of the power of the sultanate of delhi at the end of the 14th century, provided the opportunity for the emergence of several new kingdoms, such as the deccan sultanate and the sultanate of bengal in north india. And also the emergence of several strong Hindu states in South India, especially the states of Vijayanagara and Mewar.

 India's early modern period began in the 16th century, when the Mughal empire conquered most of the Indian subcontinent. The period of the Mughal Empire is often characterized as a proto-industrialist period, during which the country became a global economic power and the largest manufacturing power of that era.

In the early 18th century, the Mughal Empire began to experience a decline in power, which then provided an opportunity for other kingdoms such as the Marathas, Sikhs, Mysoreans, Nizams and Nawabs to exercise control over the Indian subcontinent. Meanwhile, in the early 18th century, a number of European trading companies, including the British East India Company, had established their trading posts in the coastal areas of India.

And from the mid-18th century to the mid-19th century, most of India's territory was gradually annexed by the British East India Company. The expansion of British corporate power in the region took two forms. The first, was the direct annexation of the states of India and the administration of their territories, which then collectively formed British India.

 The second form, is the assertion of East India's corporate power by involving agreements, in which the Indian rulers must recognize corporate hegemony in exchange for limited internal autonomy. In 1857, dissatisfaction with the rule of the East India Company in this region led to the Indian Uprising of 1857. A major revolt that rocked this region of North and Central India, led to the dissolution of the British East India Company.

After being dissolved, the territory of India was then ruled directly by the British Empire in the form of the British Empire, also known as British India. At the end of the 19th century, India's national independence struggle movement was launched for the first time by the Indian National Congress Party.

In the 1920s, the party led by Mahatma Gandhi started a mass movement against British rule using non-violent methods. The movement spearheaded by this party greatly influenced other anti-colonial nationalist movements in the British Empire. Meanwhile, in the same period the conflicts that often occurred between the Muslim and Hindu communities also could not be resolved by the British Indian government.

 The Muslims, who are a minority in the Indian subcontinent, are wary of independence, fearing the prospect of an exclusive Hindu government. Therefore, since 1930, the All India Muslim League has been advocating and voicing for the establishment of a separate Muslim-majority nation state.

Finally, after a series of uprisings and conflicts that occurred in 1946. In August 1947 the British India Kingdom was partitioned into two parts, namely the Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan. These two regions are divided according to their religious majority, India with a Hindu majority and Pakistan with a Muslim majority. On August 14, 1947, Pakistan was given full independence, following the next day on August 15, 1947, it was India's turn to get its independence.

On January 26, 1950, through its new constitution, the government of India officially established this country as a secular and democratic republic. That is a summary of the history of the founding of the Indian state as we know it today. And to know more about this country, here are 20 facts about the country of India. The name India comes from the ancient Greek language and has been in use since the 5th century BC.

The name India refers to the name of the Sindhu river or the Indus river. At that time, the Greeks called the Indians with the term Indoi which translates as the Indus people. The term then appeared in Old English in the early 9th century and reappeared in modern English in the 17th century.

Meanwhile, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the name India comes from classical Latin, this name refers to the South Asian region and the region to the east. Meanwhile, in the Indian language, the name of this country is called Bharat. This name is a derivative of the name Bharatavarsha which was originally used to refer to the western part of the Ganges River in North India.

 The term Hindustan which is also often used to refer to the territory of India, is derived from the Central Persian language. The term hindustan was introduced during the period of the mughal empire and has been widely used since then. The meanings vary, referring to the area that included northern India and present-day Pakistan or India as a whole. The design of the national flag of this country consists of 3 main colors, namely the color of saffron or also known as the color of Indian turmeric, white and green.

 Meanwhile, in the center of the flag, there is a symbol known as the Ashoka Chakra. This flag design was first used on July 22, 1947, and became the official flag of the Union of India on August 15, 1947. The meanings contained in the design include, the saffron color symbolizes courage and sacrifice, the white color symbolizes peace and truth, and the green color symbolizes faith and chivalry.

 While the symbol of the Ashoka chakra in the center of the flag symbolizes the wheel of eternal law. The Indian Rupee is the official currency used by India. However, apart from India this currency is also widely used in several other countries such as Bhutan, Nepal and in Zimbabwe.

 Indian rupees are internationally encoded with INR, if we convert to our country's currency, 1 Indian rupee has an exchange rate of around 188 rupiahs. Mahatma Gandhi or also commonly referred to as Bapu, is the most famous figure from India. Mahatma Gandhi is revered all over the world for his philosophy. his nonviolent passive resistance, In the years following World War I, Mahatma Gandhi became a leading figure in India's struggle for independence from Great Britain.

 Even after India's independence in 1947, Mahatma Gandhi continued to work for peace between Hindus and Muslims until the end of his life. Gandhi's influence on India, until his figure is immortalized in all denominations of Indian rupee notes. As mentioned earlier, India's economy is one of the largest and most diverse in the world.

However, despite having high economic growth over the last few decades, the country still continues to face challenges related to socio-economic problems. Especially the economic gap between the upper and lower classes. In 2019, it is estimated that the richest 10% of India's population owns around 80.7% of the wealth, and the top 1% of the population in terms of wealth earns about 21% of the total income of the country.

This country has the third highest number of billionaires in the world after the United States and China. In total, India claims to have nearly 7,000 extremely high net worth individuals with assets of over 30 million US dollars, and around 140 billionaires across the country.

While other data mentions, such as a report from the Walk Free Foundation in 2018, which estimated that nearly 8 million people in India live in various forms of modern slavery, such as forced labor, child labor, human trafficking, and forced begging. India is the second largest English speaking country in the world.

 With around 125 million speakers or about 10% of the population, India is the second largest after the United States, which currently has more than 300 million English speakers. With a large population, India is the country with the largest Hindu population in the world.

 With more than 2 million Hindu temples spread across the country, India is the country with the largest number of Hindu temples in the world. Based on the findings of documents dating from 5,500 years BC, Hinduism is considered the oldest religion in the world. However, it is not known exactly when and who first introduced Hinduism.

 However, the majority of Hindus refer to their religion as sanatana dharma or eternal dharma, which refers to the idea that its origins lie outside of human history, as expressed in Hindu texts. Due to the large number of Hindus in this country, it is not surprising that then the cow is considered a sacred animal in India.

 In Hinduism, it is believed that cows are sacred creatures. It is believed that the goddess bhoomi who represented the earth was often shown in the form of a cow. India is the only country in the world with a declaration of rights to cows, also known as a bill of rights for cows. The country's constitution has a set of rules that prohibit the sale and killing of cows. Hence the cows in this country have the freedom to roam wherever they want without fear of being disturbed by humans.

With its vast territory, India has very varied natural features. The natural beauty of this country can be seen from the coastline to the forests and mountains India is also home to more than 8% of the world's biodiversity. This high biodiversity makes India one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the world. India is ranked as the 7th most beautiful country in the world, according to the website The country has diverse landscapes, such as the Himalayas, the Kaas Plateau which is also known as the Valley of Flowers, Munnar, Ladakh, Lake Loktak, Darjeeling and many more.

 It's not surprising if then this country is included in the top 10 most beautiful countries in the world, as we have discussed in the previous video. The bengal tiger is India's national animal. One of the subspecies of the mainland Asian tiger has been designated as a national symbol of India since 1977. The Bengal tiger is thought to have inhabited the Indian subcontinent. Unfortunately, the existence of this animal which is considered the largest wild cat is threatened with extinction.
Lima Tempat Wisata Malang Instagramable Bikin Susah Move On

Lima Tempat Wisata Malang Instagramable Bikin Susah Move On

Malang memiliki banyak tempat wisata yang bisa dijelajahi wisatawan. Maka tak heran jika kota apel menjadi daya tarik tersendiri ketika liburan ke Jawa Timur. Apa saja? ini dia daftar 5 tempat wisata Malang instagramable bikin susah move on.

1. Museum Angkut

Salah satu tempat wisata Malang yang paling populer dan wajib dikunjungi adalah Museum Angkut. Terletak di Batu, Malang, tempat wisata ini menawarkan koleksi mobil yang unik. Di sana Anda bisa berfoto di berbagai zona yang menawarkan keunikan tersendiri. Tidak hanya untuk konten Instagram, tetapi juga bagi mereka yang menginginkan wisata edukasi.

2. Flora Wisata San Terra

Jika Anda ingin mengunjungi tempat wisata Malang yang instagramable, Anda bisa mengunjungi Flora Wisata San Terra. Berkonsep taman, tempat wisata Malang yang terletak di Jurangrejo ini menawarkan berbagai spot warna-warni yang instagramable.

3. Taman Selecta

Tempat wisata di Malang selanjutnya adalah Taman Selecta. Ini adalah taman bunga dan taman hiburan yang telah ada sejak tahun 1928. Tidak hanya dikelilingi hamparan bunga, Anda juga perlu menaiki skybike.  Sebuah wahana sepeda kayuh berjalan di rel. Dibawahnya terdapat hamparan beragam bunga.

4. Pantai Batu Bengkung

Salah satu tempat wisata Malang yang bernuansa alam adalah Pantai Batu Bengkung.  Terletak di desa Gajahrejo, pantai ini dikelilingi oleh perbukitan hijau yang indah dan pemandangan laut yang menenangkan.

5. Malang Night Paradise

Tempat wisata di Malang yang menarik lainya adalah Malang Night Paradise. Sesuai dengan namanya, ini adalah wisata malam Malang yang baru-baru ini populer. Taman hiburan malam ini penuh dengan lampu warna-warni, lentera, replika dinosaurus, dan wahana naik perahu. Ada juga banyak tempat yang instagramable disini.

4 Wisata Sejarah di Jawa Tengah Menarik untuk Dikunjungi

4 Wisata Sejarah di Jawa Tengah Menarik untuk Dikunjungi

           Masjid Agung Demak 

NEAJURNAL-Berikut ini empat wisata di Jawa Tengah bernuansa sejarah yang menarik untuk kamu kunjungi. Ini dia daftarnya. 

1. Masjid Agung Demak 

 Tengah terdapat Masjid Agung Demak yang merupakan peninggalan gaya Islam, tepatnya saat Wali Songo menyebarkan agama Islam di Jawa Tengah. Usia masjid ini telah mencapai 500 tahun dan diakui sebagai cagar budaya. 

Salah satu hal yang menarik dari arsitektur masjid ini adalah memiliki tiang utama yang terbuat dari tumpukan tatal (batang kayu yang dibelah) yang diyakini dibuat oleh Sunan Kalijogo. Sedangkan 3 tiang lainnya terbuat dari kayu jati. Selain sebagai tempat ibadah, masjid ini merupakan salah satu tempat ibadah paling terkenal di Jawa Tengah. 

2. Lawang Sewu Lawang Sewu 

Lawang Sewu merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata di Kota Semarang Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang menyuguhkan nuansa sejarah pada masa penjajahan Belanda. Hal ini dikarenakan gedung ini merupakan bekas gedung NederlandsIndische Spoorweg Maatschappij (NIS). 

Selain itu, Lawang Sewu juga merupakan penjara terkejam pada masa pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia. Lawang Sewu sangat cocok untuk traveler yang suka menjelajah dan mengeksplorasi misteri. Padahal, meski bernama Lawang Sewu, jumlah pintu di gedung ini hanya 429. 

3. Kota Lama Semarang 

memiliki unsur sejarah dan budaya yang sangat kental. Dengan banyaknya bangunan kolonial bergaya klasik, Kota Lama Semarang menjadi salah satu tempat wisata yang sarat akan sejarah. Di kawasan Kota Lama Semarang, para tamu dapat menikmati hidangan lezat seperti nasi gandul dan nasi ayam khas Semarang, serta tiga jenis nasi goreng yang terkenal enak. Selain itu, tempat ini juga memiliki banyak spot foto menarik, salah satunya adalah Gereja Blenduk. Jangan lupakan hostel bergaya klasik bagi traveler yang ingin menginap di Kota Lama Semarang.

 4. Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat Solo

 Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta merupakan keraton yang dibangun pada tahun 1744 oleh Susuhunan Pakubuwana II. Saat ini Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta merupakan salah satu tempat wisata di kota Surakarta. Sebagian besar kompleks keraton merupakan museum yang menyimpan berbagai koleksi milik keluarga kerajaan, antara lain hadiah dari raja-raja Eropa, replika pusaka keraton, dan gamelan.

Kawah Gunung Bromo Jawa Timur

Kawah Gunung Bromo Jawa Timur

                      Kawah Gunung Bromo

 Kawah Gunung Bromo merupakan daya tarik wisata Gunung Bromo, dan cocok untuk tujuan wisata anda.   Di sekitar kawah ini Anda bisa melakukan beberapa aktivitas seru. Apakah anda tertarik mengunjunginya? simak selengkapnya berikut ini. 

 1. Panorama Kawah Gunung Bromo

 Tempat wisata yang paling keren dan favorit banyak orang adalah provinsi Jawa Timur, khususnya di dalam provinsi tersebut terdapat wisata gunung, salah satunya adalah Gunung Bromo. Secara umum, Gunung Bromo merupakan tempat wisata yang paling banyak dikunjungi oleh banyak orang. Saking banyaknya wisatawan yang berkunjung ke sana, tak heran jika Gunung Bromo juga banyak dikunjungi oleh para pelancong dari luar negeri.

 Gunung Bromo merupakan salah satu bentuk tempat wisata yang sangat direkomendasikan untuk dikunjungi. Gunung ini kini tidak hanya menampilkan keindahan Sunrise yang sangat indah, namun Anda dapat melihat keindahan ini yang tak kalah menarik di dalam kawah Gunung Bromo.Itulah fenomena alam yang akan menjadi tempat wisata para traveler masa kini, karena memiliki keindahan yang sangat memukau.

Kawah ini juga memiliki bentuk yang menakjubkan,sehingga membuat betah berlama-lama pergi ke kawasan ini. Jika Anda ingin  ke tempat ini, akan sedikit tantangan untuk sampai kesana tapi cukup menarik. Tapi lebih efektif 
 menggunakan Jeep untuk mendaki Gunung Bromo.

 Yang membuatnya semakin luar biasa adalah ketika Anda tiba di puncak gunung Bromo, Anda akan melihat pemandangan yang sangat indah dan menakjubkan. Selain itu juga terdapat perbukitan Teletubbies, hingga hamparan pasir dan hamparan alang-alang. Tentu rute yang sangat ideal bagi anda yang ingin menikmati suasana alam. Jangan lupa sebelum sampai ke kawah guning bromo untuk berfoto karena pemandanganya indah.

2. Cara Menuju Kawah Gunung Bromo

 Agar anda bisa sampai di kawah gunung Bromo, anda bisa memulainya setelah melihat Sunrise yang ada di puncak pendakian atau mungkin anda bisa memulainya dari Cemoro Lawang.  Jika Anda kembali dari tempat parkir Jeep, maka Anda bisa sampai di sana melalui jalur pendakian gunung. Dalam mendaki gunung Anda dapat melakukannya melalui cara naik kuda atau berjalan kaki. Ada banyak kuda yang bisa disewakan untuk Anda saat mendaki gunung untuk sampai ke kawah Gunung Bromo. 

Anda ingin mengetahui bahwa jika Anda memulai melalui jalur pendakian gunung, Anda akan melewati lautan pasir. Nah, di hamparan pasir yang sangat luas ini Anda akan disuguhkan mobil Jeep atau kuda. Jika Anda ingin mendaki dengan berjalan kaki, ini bisa membuat Anda mengalami kelelahan dan kelelahan yang lebih besar setelah tiba di sana. , terutama jika ini adalah pertama kalinya Anda kesana.

Namun, bagi Anda tidak ingin lelah mendaki jalan kaki, maka cobalah menggunakan kuda untuk sampai ke puncak. Melalui kuda ini, Anda akan berada di bawahnya hingga mencapai jarak 500 m lebih awal dari kawah Gunung Bromo. Setelah itu, Anda akan terus berjalan melewati anak tangga hingga mencapai puncak Bromo. sementara itu, Anda mungkin melihat keindahan yang tidak pernah terlihat sebelumnya.

Nah, pemandangan itu adalah Kawah Bromo. Dimana Kawah Bromo yang saat ini diminati para wisatawan, karena menyajikan spot yang sangat baik bagi setiap wisatawan yang berkunjung ke sana. Bau khas belerang terlalu kuat dan dengan lingkungan khas di atas puncak. Anda harus berhati-hati ketika sudah tiba di kawah Gunung Bromo, karena bisa jadi daerah tersebut sangat berbahaya. 

3. Sejarah kawah Gunung Bromo

Sejarah gunung Bromo berasal dari letusan Gunung Tengger dan puncaknya mencapai 4.000 meter di atas permukaan laut. Mungkin gunung ini menjadi salah satu gunung yang terbesar. Kemudian mungkin terjadi letusan besar dan ini bisa menciptakan kaldera besar dan lautan pasir. Di tengah kaldera Anda akan melihat gunung yang energik dan gunung itu disebut Bromo, yang diambil dari panggilan dewa untuk agama Hindu, khususnya Brahma. 

Umumnya masyarakat yang ada di sana, khususnya suku Tengger, merupakan sisa suku yang masih melestarikan budaya,  menghormati  Dewa Brahma atau Dewa mereka, yaitu Syah Hyang Widhi Wasa. Hal ini biasa dilakukan, karena merupakan budaya suku Tengger. Secara umum, budaya tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai ritus yang disebut dengan Kasodo atau Yadya Kasada. Umumnya, ritus tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh suku Tengger pada kesempatan untuk menghormati leluhur mereka sendiri. Ritual tersebut dilambangkan sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan, karena telah memberikan panen atau berkah.

Tempat Wisata di Malang Jawa Timur yang Wajib Dikunjungi

Tempat Wisata di Malang Jawa Timur yang Wajib Dikunjungi

               Jatim Park Malang/DataWisata

 Berencana liburan ke Jatim? berikut ini tempat wisata di Malang Jawa Timur yang wajib anda kunjungi. Beberapa tempat berikut ini menawarkan spot spot keren yang sayang dilewatkan, apa saja? ini dia daftarnya. 

1. Museum Angkut

Wisata Malang di Jawa Timur yang wajib anda kunjungi yang pertama  ada Museum Angkyt. Ini adalah museum kendaraan terbesar se Asia Tenggara, menyinpan lebih dari 300 koleksi jenis angkutan mulai dari yang tradisional hingga modern. Museum Angkut punya berbagai zona berbeda yang didekorasi sedemikian rupa keren dan instagramable. Selain itu, uniknya museum angkut adalah memiliki wahana  Flight Simulator, yang ada di lantai 3 gedung museum. Disini Anda saoat rasakan pengalaman seru layaknya pilot terbangkan pesawat terbang. 

2. Taman Langit

Wisata Malang di Jawa Timur yang wajib anda kunjungi yang kedua, adalah Taman Langit. Disini anda dapat menenangkan pikiran lantaran spot wisata ini jauh dari kota, dan penuh nuansa alam. Berjarak sekitar 25 menit berkendara dari pusat kota Batu, tempat wisata di Malang ini punya spot foto dengan konsep kekinian.

Diantaranya kabin kayu bergaya Eropa, taman  bunga berwarna-warni, serta sarang burung besar seukuran manusia. Adapun Fasilitas umum yang tersedia disini lumayan lengkap. Dari mulai mushooa, warung makan, toilet, area parkir luas dan tempat istirahat.

3. Mata Air Sumber Sira

Wisata Malang di Jawa Timur yang wajib anda kunjungi yang ketoga dalam daftar ini ada Mata air Sumber Sira. Disini Anda bisa menemukan kolam dengan air yang sangat jernih. Saking jernihnya, dapat  melihat banyak ikan dan ganggang di sini. 

Jangan lupa bawa kamera underwater saat berwisata ke sini karena anda dapat berenang dan snorkeling dengan peralatan yang bisa disewa dari penduduk sekitar. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat lakuian aktivitas river tubing alias menyusuri air menggunakan ban.

4. Malang Night Paradise

Berikutnya ada Night Paradise, ini merupakan salah satu wisata Malang  Jawa Timur yang wajib anda kunjungi.  Tempat instagramable di Malang ini bertema seni, edukasi, teknologi. 
 Sinaran lampion akan menyambut anda saat pertama kali masuk ke tempat yang penuh dengan lampu-lampu cantik.

Ada banyak wahana di Malang Night Paradise, diantaranya  mulai dari rumah sihir, taman bunga, sampai miniatur kota Venesia. Salah satu  yang keren adw  Magic Journey. Disini, anda dapat susuri lorong sungai dengan gemerlap ornamen gunakan lampu perahu. 

5. Masjid Tiban Malang

Berikutnya ada Masjid Tiban Malang. Selain untuk wisata religi, juga dikenal lantaran arsitektuenya yang indah dan megah, sangat instagramable. Masjid Tiban Malang berlokasi di  Turen Malang. Masjid ini terdiri 9 lantai, dibangun oleh para santri di Ponpes 
 Salafiyah Bihaaru.

6. Coban Rais

Bagi anda yang suka petualang, disarankan megunjubgi Coban Rais di Malang Jawa Timur. Disini merupakan spot aie terjun yang tingginya 75 meter, susuri hutan sepanjang 7 km.  Sebaiknya datany ketika musim kemarau supaya jalanan tak licin.  Disekitar lokasi juga tersedia spot keren seperri rumah hobbit, sepeda udara dan pemandangan alam indah. 

7. Kampung Wisata Warna-Warni Jodipan

Sudah tidak asing lagi, Kampung warna wsrni Jodipan adalah salah satu tempat  wisata yang wajib Anda kunjungi saat liburan ke Malang Jawa Timur. Dulu kawasan ini merupakan kawasan kumuh tapi sekarang disulap jadi daya tarik wisata keren instagramable. 
Sejumlah spot foto yang ada disini diantaranya Jembatan Embong Brantas, lorong payung, lukisan 3D, dan tangga warna-warni. Fasilitasnya juga lengkap, diantaranta tempat makan, toilet dan area parkir. 

8. Pantai Balekambang

Tempat wisata di Malang Jawa Timur yang wajib anda kunjungi selanjutnya, ada pantai Balakembang. Pantai ini terdiri  3 pulau eksotis yang berdiri di atas batu karang yaitu Pulau Ismoyo, Pulau Wisanggeni, serta Pulau Anoman. Salah satu daya tarik di pulau Ismoyo, ada sebuah pura diatas karang, karena itu disebut juga dengan Tanah Lot-nya Malang. Selain digunakan untuk kegiatan keagamaan, wisatawan dapat mendirikan kemah di tepi pantai, serta flyng fox.

9 Wisata Disekitar Stasiun Malang Jawa Timur

9 Wisata Disekitar Stasiun Malang Jawa Timur

               Jodipan Malang Jatim

Wisata di sekitar stasiun Malang Jawa Timur

Berikut ini wisata di sekitar Stasiun Malang Jawa Timur yang dapat Anda kunjungi sebelum menjelajah destinasi lainnya di Malang. Ini dia daftarnya 

 1. Taman Trunojoyo

 Keluar dari pintu kedatangan penumpang, Anda hanya perlu pergi ke Taman Trunojoyo untuk menikmati keindahan alam Taman Trunojo. 
 Taman yang ditandai dengan patung singa besar ini memiliki air mancur, permainan anak-anak, dan perpustakaan kecil. Karena sepanjang area dinaungi pohon beringin, taman ini cukup rindang.

 2. Tugu Juang 45

Daya tarik wisata murah selanjutnya di sekitar stasiun Malang adalah Tugu Juang 45, disebut juga Patung Buto. Ini metode patung besar. Pada sore hari, umumnya bagian patung Buto juga digunakan sebagai tempat kegiatan jejaring anak-anak.

 3. Alun-Alun Tugu

 Tempat wisata di sekitar stasiun Malang yang juga sangat layak untuk dikunjungi adalah Alun-alun Tugu. Alun alun ini Malang terletak di Jalan Merdeka. Sedangkan Tugu Square terletak di Jalan Tugu.

Monumen ini dikelilingi melalui jalan melalui kolam teratai. Gedung koridor metropolis, gedung DPRD, dan Hotel.  Tugu di sekitarnya memberikan pemandangan kota metropolitan yang menakjubkan dari era kolonial.

 4. Taman Rekreasi Kota (Tarekot)

 Selain tugu, jangan lupa mampir ke tempat wisata di dekat stasiun Malang berikut ini  yaitu Taman Rekreasu Kota (Tarekot). Taman rekreasi masyarakat ini menyajikan lingkungan yang menakjubkan dengan pemandangan sungai di dalam pusat kota metropolitan Malang. 

5. Pasar Burung, Bunga, dan Ikan Hias Splendid 

Beberapa meter dari Tarekot adalah tempat Indah yang terkenal dengan kompleks pasar bunga, burung dan ikan hias. Anda bisa berburu tanaman, ayam, ikan hias, dan kelinci di dalam tempat yang dibangun menjorok dari jembatan ini. 

6  Kayutangan 

Masih bernuansa metropolis antik. Namun demikian ada banyak toko bersejarah yang dilestarikan di sini. Tempat ini juga sering dijadikan sebagai tempat untuk foto-foto kekinian oleh anak muda Malang. Sangat fotogenik.

 7. Malang Square /Alun alun Malang

Lanjutkan petualangan Anda ke tempat wisata Malang sekitar stasiun berikut ini, tepatnya Malang Square yang terletak di Jalan Merdeka. Kawasan ini merupakan landmark kota metropolitan Malang. Biasanya digunakan untuk menikmati suasana malam hari melalui oleh warga Malang. Pada malam hari, banyak pertunjukan dari kelompok atau seniman yang menampilkan kompetensinya di sana. 

8. Masjid Agung Jami'

 Menyeberang dari Alun-alun Malang, Anda bisa menuju Masjid Agung Jami'. Bangunan yang berusia lebih dari satu abad itu merupakan salah satu rumah kuno yang dibanggakan masyarakat Malang. Masjid ini merupakan gambaran kerukunan rohani dengan GPIB Immanuel yang juga antik.
 Pengurus dari kedua tempat peribadatan itu biasa mendampingi setiap hari raya rohani yang diadakan di sana. 

9. Kampung Biru Arema 

Berjalan kaki 650 meter ke arah selatan dari Stasiun Malang, ada tempat wisata Malang, yakni Kampung Biru Arema yang memang menjadi kesepakatan di tepi Sungai Brantas. Uniknya, pemukiman di bawah jembatan ini dicat dengan warna biru seperti Juzcar (Spanyol) dan Jodhpur (India).
Asiknya Menikmati Kuliner Pinggir Kali, Purworejo Jateng

Asiknya Menikmati Kuliner Pinggir Kali, Purworejo Jateng

          Warung Bogowonto/

NEAJURNAL-Warung Bogowonto, berbeda dari tempat kuliner lainya. Warung yang berdiri sejak empat tahun lalu ini menawarkan konsep tempo dulu.  Dua joglo berdinding kayu lawas akan menyambut pengunjung warung yang terletak di desa Panggungrejo Purworejo Jawa Tengah ini. 

Suasana tradisional dan lawas begitu kental terasa di setiap sudut tempat ini.  tak hanya arsitektur,  lidah Anda juga akan dimanjakan dengan ragam kuliner khas pedesaan dan yang terpenting lagi Harganya ramah dikantong. Mulai dari 5000 hingga Rp10.000.

Sajian andalan tempat ini adalah sayur lompong jantung pisang, dan aneka ikan,  mulai dari ikan lele hingga Nila,  pepes ikan dan telur goreng. Untuk minuman andalannya, ada jamu beras kencur dan kunir asam.

uniknya lagi, anda bisa menyaksikan proses memasak yang berlokasi di pinggir sungai Bogowonto. Anda akan dibuat betah di sini. 

             Suasana Kape Kopi      Plaosan/

Bergeser sedikit ke arah utara, sekitar dua KM Anda akan menemukan Resto dengan konsep serupa.  Siapa yang menyangka jika resto di tepi sungai ini dulunya adalah tempat pembuangan sampah?

Berkat usaha Swadaya para pemuda Desa, kini menjadi salah satu wisata kuliner populer di desa Plaosan. 

Pemandangan aliran sungai Bogowonto dan udara yang sejuk, menjadi daya tarik Resto ini. Cukup dengan uang senilai Rp20.000 hingga Rp50.000 anda sudah bisa mencicipi aneka kuliner sambil menikmati sejuknya alam di tepian sungai Bogowonto.

10 Negara Terindah di Dunia, Indonesia Termasuk?

10 Negara Terindah di Dunia, Indonesia Termasuk?


10 Negara Paling Indah di Dunia, Indonesia termasuk? 

Bicara mengenai keindahan alam,  situs merilis sebuah daftar negara-negara terindah di dunia. Dalam uraian di situs tersebut, masing-masing negara di analisis berdasarkan 7 faktor penilaian, yaitu gunung berapi, pegunungan, terumbu karang, kawasan lindung, garis pantai, hutan hujan dan gletser.

 Setiap faktor ini kemudian dihitung per 100.000 kilometer persegi menggunakan angka luas lahan yang bersumber dari bank dunia. Informasi tersebut lalu diberi skor normal 10 untuk setiap faktor, sebelum kemudian diambil skor rata-ratanya. Dan berikut ini adalah 10 daftar negara terindah di dunia, seperti yang dikutip dari situs, apakah indonesia termasuk salah satu didalamnya? 

10.Komoro, Afrika 

Peringkat ke-10, negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara komoro dari benua afrika dengan skor nilai sebesar 6,22. Komoro adalah sebuah negara kepulauan yang terletak samudera hindia di lepas pantai afrika timur.

 Pulau-pulau vulkanik di komoro dikenal memiliki pemandangan yang indah, pulau-pulau ini bahkan mendapat julukan sebagai perfumed islands terutama karena wilayahnya banyak ditumbuhi oleh tanaman ylang-ylang atau bunga kenanga. 

Negara ini memiliki potensi pariwisata yang besar, namun pergolakan politik yang terjadi selama3 dekade terakhir, ditambah dengan kurangnya infrastruktur yang memadai, menjadi salah satu penyebab utama kurang berkembangnya ekonomi di negara ini. 

9. Papua Nugini

Kemudian pada peringkat ke-9, negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara papua nugini dengan skor nilai sebesar 6,39. Papua nugini memiliki bentang alam yang sangat beragam, dari pegunungan, hutan, dan laut. 

Negara Ini adalah salah satu dari sedikit negara di dunia yang menawarkan keindahan alam yang masih alami bahkan beberapa masih sangat jarang terjamah tangan manusia. Beberapa tempat di negara ini yang memiliki pemandangan yang sangat indah seperti kepulauan lusancay, gunung wilhelm, pulau panasia, eastern field, pegunungan kubor, gunung tavur dan sungai sivoli. 

8. Perancis 

Peringkat ke-8, negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara prancis dengan skor nilai sebesar 6,51. Selain sebagai negara terbesar di uni eropa, prancis juga merupakan salah satu negara yang paling beragam bentang alamnya. Negara ini sering dipuji. karena pemandangannya yang menakjubkan seperti suburnya pegunungan pyrenees, megahnya puncak alpen yang tertutup salju, ladang lavender ungu provence, golden stone chateaux, dan pantai yang indah. 

Industri pariwisata di negara prancis bisa dikatakan tergolong maju, ini adalah negara yang paling banyak dikunjungi didunia pada tahun 2018 saja jumlah pengunjung negara prancis mencapai 89 juta turis, yang merupakan jumlah pengunjung terbanyak dari negara manapun di dunia. 

7. India

Peringkat ke-7, negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara india, dengan skor nilai sebesar 6,54. Terlepas dari stereotype banyak orang yang beranggapan bahwa india adalah negara yang kotor, dan penuh sesak, namun tahukah kalian jika ternyata negara ini dikenal juga sebagai negeri yang penuh keajaiban.

 Ternyata apa yang kita tahu selama ini tentang negara india hanya sebagian kecil dari india yang sebenarnya. Hal ini juga disampaikan oleh salah seorang responden dalam sebuah survei yang mengatakan, bahwa “wilayah yang berbeda di india menawarkan hal yang berbeda pula. 

Seperti hutan hujan yang rimbun di selatan dan himalaya yang indah di utara”. Ya, benar. India memiliki bentang alam yang beragam, sebut saja pegunungan himalaya, dataran tinggi kaas yang dikenal juga sebagai lembah bunga, munnar, l adakh, danau loktak, darjeeling dan masih banyak lagi. Tidak mengherankan rasanya jika kemudian negara ini masuk kedalam 10 besar negara terindah di dunia.  

6. Kenya 

Pada peringkat ke-6, sebagai negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara kenya dengan skor nilai sebesar 6,70. Kenya adalah negara yang sangat beragam baik secara fisik maupun budayanya. 

Negara ini juga merupakan salah satu tujuan paling populer di afrika, dengan pantai yang indah, pegunungan terjal, hutan rimbun, dan sabana yang kaya satwa liar. Ada banyak tempat indah yang tak ada habisnya untuk dikunjungi di negara ini, seperti gunug kenya, dataran tinggi aberdar, bukit cyulu, taman nasional amboseli, cagar alam samburu dan pantai diani. 

5.  Meksiko

Selanjutnya ada negara meksiko yang menempati peringkat ke-5, sebagai negara terindah didunia dengan skor nilai sebesar 6,96. Meksiko adalah negara yang indah dan beragam dengan banyak hal untuk ditawarkan kepada para pengunjungnya.

 Termasuk banyak pantai indah dan eksotis di Meksiko yang populer di seluruh dunia, keanekaragaman bawah laut Meksiko juga melimpah, merupakan tempat bertemunya semenanjung Yucatan dan laut karibia.Meksiko adalah negara kempat dengan keanekaragaman hayati paling banyak di dunia. Juga merupakan satu dari s17 negara megadiverse.

Dalam hal pariwisata, meksiko secara tradisional menjadi salah satu negara yang paling banyak dikunjungi di dunia menurut organisasi pariwisata dunia, dan merupakan negara kedua yang paling banyak dikunjungi di benua amerika, setelah amerika serikat. Negara ini juga memiliki sejumlah besar situs warisan dunia UNESCO dengan daftar termasuk reruntuhan kuno, kota kolonial, dan cagar alam, serta sejumlah karya arsitektur. 

4. Tanzania

Peringkat ke-4, negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara tanzania dengan skor nilai sebesar 6,98. Sama seperti negara tetangganya yang menempati peringkat ke-6, tanzania dikatakan sebagai salah satu negara terindah didunia karena memiliki bentang alam yang sangat beragam.

 Terletak di kawasan afrika timur, tanzania adalah rumah bagi gunung kilimanjaro, yang merupakan gunung tertinggi di benua afrika. 
Tidak hanya wilayah pegunungan, tanzania juga memiliki garis pantai sepanjang 1.424 kilometer dengan beberapa pulau-pulau di lepas pantai samudera hindia.

 Lokasinya yang strategis juga menjadikan tanzania sebagai rumah yang cocok bagi beragam kehidupan marga satwa afrika negara ini memiliki sekitar 20% spesies populasi hewan berdarah panas yang sangat besar di afrika, yang dapat ditemukan di 21 taman nasional, 1 kawasan konservasi, dan 3 taman laut. Tidak mengherankan jika sejak dulu wisata safari sangat populer di negara ini. 

3. Kolombia

Di peringkat ke-3, negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara kolombia dengan skor nilai sebesar 7,16. Kolombia adalah salah satu negara transconinental atau negara lintas benua, karena wilayahnya membentang dari amerika selatan hingga ke amerika utara. Bentang alam Kolombia sangat beragam.

Wilayah Kolombia meliputi hutan hujan amazon, dataran tinggi, padang rumput, dan gurun, serta merupakan satu-satunya negara di amerika selatan yang memiliki garis pantai dan pulau-pulau di sepanjang samudra atlantik dan pasifik. Selain alamnya yang bervariasi, kolombia juga memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman hayati tertinggi kedua di dunia, negara ini adalah salah satu dari 17 negara megadiverse dunia. 

2. Selandia Baru

Pada peringkat ke-2 negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara selandia baru dengan skor nilai sebesar 7,27. Selandia baru adalah sebuah negara kepulauan yang terletak di bagian selatan bumi dan terdiri dari sekitar 700 pulau-pulau kecil serta dua pulau besar yaitu pulau selatan dan utara. 

Negara ini memiliki panorama alam yang sangat menarik, mulai dari perbukitan, pegunungan, termasuk di dalamnya adalah pegunungan alpen selatan dan sejumlah gunung berapi aktif. 

Selandia baru juga memiliki jumlah gletser yang tinggi, dengan lebih dari 5.000 gletser disetiap jarak 100.000 kilometer persegi dan garis pantai yang panjangnya lebih dari 15.000 kilometer persegi. 

Dengan bentang alam yang begitu beragam, ribuan orang datang berduyun-duyun ke selandia baru hanya untuk menyaksikan sendiri keajaiban alam negara tersebut. Pesona alam slandia baru bahkan sering dijadikan latar untuk acara TV maupun film, dan salah satu yang paling ikonik adalah trilogi film the lord of the rings.

1. Indonesia 

 Dan peringkat pertama yang sekaligus menutup daftar negara terindah di dunia ditempati oleh negara kita tercinta indonesia dengan skor nilai sebesar 7,77. Indonesia dinobatkan menjadi negara terindah versi, media Inggris karena sejumlah alasan.

 Diantaranya karena keindahan bentang alam seperti pegunungan, gunung berapi, htan tropis, terumbu karang hingga gletser.

Sal Haqqi, penulis dan personal finance editor pernah mengatakan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara terindah di dunia. Yakni, kata dia, per 100.000 kilometer persegi di negara ini punya keindahan alam menakjubkan. 

Indonesia merupakan rumah bagi lebih dari 17.000 pulau yang luar biasa dan punya 50.000 kilometer garis pantai, dan tak jauh dari pantai pulau-pulau ini, anda akan menemukan lebih dari 50.000 kilometer persegi terumbu karang yang kaya kehidupan.

Sejumlah destinasi wisata populer yang menyajikan keindahan alam di antaranya adalah pulau bali, hutan tropis di pulau sumatera dan kalimantan termasuk cagar alam orang utan, dan sejumlah situs warisan dunia UNESCO seperti taman nasional komodo. 

Nah itulah tadi 10 negara terindah di dunia dimana yang paling indah adalah Indonesia menurut situs Tentu sebagai orang Indonesia kita sangat bangga dan harus menjaga sebaik-baiknya keindahan alam di tanah air.